





尊師重道乃中國傳統的美德,本會也本著 “不分你我他,武林是一家” 的精神,與詠春派和武林各派共同協力發展中國武術。全力維護武林正義。感謝詠春派仝人冷靜對待這次事件,令不軌人士沒機可乘。


全球白眉武術總會 主席
鄭偉儒 敬上



All friends of Pak Mei, Wing Chun and Martial arts peoples.
With regard to the recent video storms of Pak Mei Sifu Yau Tak Shu, through the understanding of the Global Pak Mei Martial Arts Association and World Wing Chun Union, it is believed that Sifu Yau Tak Shu was due to the care of the Pak Mei, and some peoples’ misleading thus leading to the emotional of Sifu Yau Tak Shu and some miswording
After the Pak Mei and Wing Chun people explained the situation to the Sifu Yau Tak Shu(at United States) through his friends, he was brave enough to bear and apologiae , and also prevented someone from arbitrarily deviating from the fact, causing the Pak Mei and Wing Chun disagreement。.
This incident is Sifu Yau Tak Shu. He found that the Yeung Po Lee(Expulsion from Pak Mei) represented the Pak Mei to attend the martial arts banquet. Sifu Yau Tak Shu loved the Pak Mei, so he was angry and caused excessive words.
Restating here, the founder Yeung Po Lee was expelled from the division by Sifu So Kim Kwong of Pak Mei, on October 24, 2013. All his actions have nothing to do with the Pak Mei and our association; and later, he recognized Cheung Ping Cheung(he is fourth son of Master Cheung Lai Chuen) as the righteous father, intending to reproduce the inheritance and conceal the ugly thing being expelled from the division.
As for Cheung Ping Cheung is fourth son of Master Cheung Lai Chuen, but Cheung Lai Chuen and three sons(Cheung Ping Sum, Cheung Ping Lam, Cheung Ping Fat) moved to Hong Kong and set up a Pak Mei school at Cheung Ping Cheung children time, and Cheung Ping Cheung live in China. So Cheung Ping Cheung did not learn Pak Mei kung fu with father and brother. We admit that he is the fourth son of Master Cheung Lai Chuen, but we can’t admit that Cheung Ping Cheung represent Pak Mei. I hope that the martial arts will understand this importnat point to avoid misunderstandings and losses.
If there is any large-scale event about his father Master Cheung Lai Chuen in the future, this Council would welcome Cheung Ping Cheung participation. I also hope that Cheung Ping Cheung will not be misused by people. In order to avoid the forgetting of the origin of Pak Mei, I hope that other people will not influence the origin of the Pak Mei Respecting teacher is the virtue of Chinese tradition. This Council also adheres to the spirit of “regardless of you and me, martial arts is one family”, and works together with the all friends of Wing Chun and Martial arts peoples to develop Chinese martial arts. Fully safeguard the martial arts justice. I am grateful to Wing Chun for sending the same person to calmly deal with this incident, so that the people who are in the wrong hands have no chance to take the opportunity. I wish the World Champions League and the friendships of all parties to continue to promote World Wing Chun Union and all friends.

Global Pak Mei Martial Arts Association
Chairman, CHENG Wai Yu
